Sarah Cain
(Born 1979 in Albany, NY; Lives and Works in Los Angeles, CA)
I feel real freedom in abstraction, being able to move through ideas that I’m figuring out as I go along. I appreciate the open ended in this and letting the viewer come into the work with their own experience. The work is teaching and sharing and taking everyone in with their own interpretation and journey with it.
For me the most important thing is being free of time and staying connected every day to the work. It allows for a space of freedom which creates moments of discovery.
Abandoning control is at the core of everything I do. The attack and resolve, accepting that you don’t really know anything. You’re always growing and learning. When you abandon control, the work opens up and shows you more.
My work is super personal and deals with my life and what’s going on in culture. I pull from music, from reading, friends and my own life as I move through it.
–Conversation on June 12, 2020
Listen to our conversation here:
Selected Image from the Collection:

Cain, Sarah, Autumn, 2008, scarves, beads, acrylic, latex, gouache, string, bell, gel medium, tinfoil, turquoise beads, and gold leaf on paper, 59 1/4 x 46 1/4 in.